Get a larger number of ads, up to 200, (and get special, turbo, and falcon ads for free within the available packages)
Republish "A hawk ad"
Do you want to renew the publication date of your ad? Repost your ad daily for 5 days, so it appears again at the top of the ad list and get 10 times the number of views and more calls.
Featured ad
Want to sell fast? Feature your ad to appear on the home page and on all ad pages related to your category for 5 days, and get 10x more views and more calls.
Banner ad
Would you like to specify the target group for your ad? Get a banner to determine the percentage and category of users interested in purchasing your goods or benefiting from your services and promoting your brand
Turbo ad
Would you like to place your ad at the top of the list? Get your Turbo ad to appear at the top of ads list, highlighted in yellow for 5 days to sell faster